
Chakib Khoury Day

On May 23, 2012, the Higher Center for Research (HCR), in collaboration with the Student Affairs Office at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), organized the Chakib Khoury Day, titled “A Tribute to the Artist and the Man of Literature.” This event took place in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Music in the presence of the General Director of the Ministry of Culture and an array of official figures, leading academics, friends, artists and students.

Following the inaugural speech by the Vice-President for Research and President of the HCR, Rev. Fr. Jean Akiki, Mr. Nehmatallah Abirached, from the Université de Strasbourg, offered a critical analysis of one of Khoury’s novels, titled “L’Antiochien”. His paper was followed by a symposium titled “Chakib Khoury, the Maestro of the Ritual. Polyvalent Images”, prepared by Prof. Hoda Nehme, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, Paul Zgheib, Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, and Lena Gebran, teacher in the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts. The symposium was divided into three parts and included, in addition to the theoretical presentations, a short movie on Khoury’s career and works, in addition to chosen scenes from his theater plays performed by Lena Gebran’s scenic arts students. Against a backdrop of calm music, Lena Gebran then read some of Khoury’s poems. Finally, Ghada Chbeir brought the first part of the program to a beautiful end as she sang, accompanied by Fadi Hachem on the piano.

During the break, attendees were treated to an exhibition of Chakib Khoury’s graphic art works.

The second part of the program was allotted to the Chakib Khoury Competition, which was launched on the USEK Campus in October 2011 for USEK students from all faculties who have completed at least three academic years. The aim of this activity was to spread knowledge on the man and his works, in addition to promoting the spirit of research and personal production according to strict academic regulations. The four most remarkable projects were presented by their authors. The many projects singled out by the competition Committee included, among others, the scenographic work of Eliane Haddad and Marc Bou Sejaan from the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, and the musical composition of Jad Ghanem and Elie Hardane from the Faculty of Music, which were chosen by the jury as the winners of the first and second prize respectively. The laureates receaived a check each, in addition to a souvenir medal for all participants.

The day was concluded with a final speech by Chakib Khoury, followed by a reception at the Esplanade of the Faculty.

Speech by Chakib Khoury
On the occasion of the Chakib Khoury Day
May 23, 2012

Hoda Nehmé – Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities – USEK
On the occasion of the Chakib Khoury Day
May 23, 2012
Chakib Khoury l’auteur, le poète, l’artiste et le dramaturge

Father Jean Akiki – Vice-President for Research
On the occasion of the Chakib Khoury Day
May 23, 2012
Chakib Khoury l’artiste penseur

Nehmetallah Abi-Rached – Teacher of Arabic language and civilization
Director of the Department of Arab Studies – Université de Strasbourg
On the occasion of the Chakib Khoury Day
May 23, 2012
Chakib Khoury : l’Antiochien et la création inachevée

Paul Abi Khattar Zgheib – Dean of the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts – USEK
On the occasion of the Chakib Khoury Day
May 23, 2012
Chakib Khoury ou l’image abymée
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