À propos de l'USEK

L’USEK en bref

L’USEK est la seule université au Liban à avoir été créée en tant qu’institution privée à but non lucratif par des citoyens libanais, en l’occurrence par les moines de l’Ordre Libanais Maronite (OLM) qui misent sur l’éducation depuis le 7e siècle. Les programmes éducatifs et le développement de la recherche que nous offrons à tous nos étudiants sont conformes aux exigences officielles de l’État libanais, aux Constitutions de l’OLM et à l’enseignement social de l’Église catholique sur les universités et, plus récemment, au système éducatif de style américain et aux accréditations internationales afin d’élargir les perspectives de nos étudiants tant au Liban qu’à l’étranger.

L’Université a gardé l’élan de ses débuts et s’est développée tout en restant fidèle à un humanisme chrétien inclusif et non élitiste qui imprègne l’enseignement que nous dispensons. Notre enseignement universitaire concret est ancré dans notre engagement en faveur d’une gouvernance et d’une gestion solides, de l’évaluation de l’apprentissage et de l’enseignement, du bien-être des étudiants et du soutien de notre personnel sur la base des principes de valorisation de la communauté, de curiosité intellectuelle, de tradition et d’innovation, et de haute performance.

Les diplômes de l’USEK préparent nos étudiants à relever les défis du monde contemporain. Notre tronc commun éducatif solide propose des programmes dans tous les principaux domaines d’études et inclut de nouvelles spécialisations professionnelles alignées sur le marché du travail actuel.

Au sein de notre communauté composée d’une diversité d’étudiants, d’enseignants, de personnel et d’anciens étudiants talentueux, le sentiment d’appartenance à l’USEK émane de la force des liens communautaires individuels et collectifs basés sur les valeurs spirituelles, civiques et éthiques du respect de l’autre et de ses croyances.

La devise de l'USEK est la suivante : « Mais quand il viendra, lui, l’Esprit de vérité, il vous introduira dans la vérité tout entière. » (Jn 16,13)

Depuis sa fondation, l’USEK a pour vocation, conformément à l’article 92 des Constitutions de l’OLM (éd. 2012) et à l’enseignement social de l’Église catholique sur les universités, de contribuer au développement de tous ses étudiants à travers des programmes éducatifs de qualité et la recherche dans divers domaines d’études.

En proposant à ses étudiants une éducation de qualité de style américain, l’Université entend former les leaders de demain à l’innovation, à la croissance professionnelle et à l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie au Liban, au Moyen-Orient et dans le monde entier. Elle s’engage à offrir à ses étudiants un développement éducatif basé sur la foi et ancré dans la tradition catholique en favorisant les valeurs spirituelles, l’éthique et le respect du pluralisme culturel et religieux.

Faits et chiffres
Important dates in USEK History:

The OLM built the main building of what is today USEK (Building A) in which was centralized the teaching of theology, philosophy, letters and canon law. The institution was then a scholasticate.

Following the enactment of the law of higher education in Lebanon, the scholasticate became the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik;

Adoption of the North American credit system.

Founding of three Regional University Centers in the North (Chekka), South (Rmeich) and Bekaa (Zahle).

Getting the European Institutional Accreditation(renewal accomplished in 2017).

Getting the ABET accreditation for nine Computing and Engineering programs.

Getting the evalag accreditation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Programs.

Getting the ABET Accreditation for two applied and natural sciences and the civil engineering programs.

Implementing a new academic structure : Faculty of Arts and Sciences, School of Architecture and Design, Business School, School of Engineering, School of Law and Political Sciences, School Medicine and Medical Sciences, Pontifical School of Theology.

Academic Units Founding dates
Pontifical School of Theology 1950 Pontifical Faculty of Theology
2019 Pontifical School of Theology
School of Law and Political Sciences 1950 Canon Law
1988 Faculty of Law
2019 School of Law and Political Sciences
Higher Institute of Political and Administrative Sciences 2006 Affiliated to the School of Law and Political Sciences
Business School 1966 Faculty of Business and Commercial Sciences
2018 Business School
School of Architecture and Design 1974 Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts
2019 School of Architecture and Design
School of Engineering 2000 Faculty of Sciences and Computer Engineering
2010 Faculty of Engineering
2019 School of Engineering
School of Medicine and Medical Sciences 2001
Higher Institute of Nursing Sciences 1999 Affiliated to the School of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Sciences 2019
Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities 1950
2019 merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Faculty of Letters 1950
2019 merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
School of Music and Performing Arts 1970 Institute of Musicology
1993 Faculty of Music
2019 merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences 1988
2019 merged with the School of Engineering and the Faculty of Arts & Sciences
Faculty of Sciences 2000 Faculty of Sciences and Computer Engineering
2010 Faculty of Sciences
2019 merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Faculty of Religious and Oriental Sciences 1969 Institute of Liturgy
2011 Faculty of Religious and Oriental Studies
2019 merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Institute of History & Archeology 1972 Institute of History (affiliated to the Faculty of Letters)
2019 merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences


students enrolled at USEK for the 2021-2022 Fall Semester:

  • Main Campus in Kaslik
  • RUC of Chekka
  • RUC of Rmeich
  • RUC of Zahle

USEK hosted 2307 new students in Fall 2020:

Faculties-Institutes New Students Registered in Fall 2021-2022 Total of Students Registered in 2021-2022*
Business School 404
Faculty of Arts and Sciences 614
Pontifical School of Theology 41
School of Architecture and Design 332
School of Engineering 212
School of Law and Political Sciences 200
School of Medicine and Medical Sciences 105
USEK Continuing Learning Center 62
Centers for Language, Music, Religious Studies and Theology 67
Free-Listeners 0
Total 2307

* Numbers for the 2021-2022 Fall Semester


graduates for the 2020-202 Academic Year
graduates since the 2001-2002 Academic Year

International Relations

  • international agreements
  • memberships in international organizations

Human Resources

Faculty Members out of which:

Full-time Faculty Members in Fall 2021
Part-time Faculty Members in Fall 2021

Administrative and Technical Staff


Core Values
Facts and figures
Important dates in USEK History:

The OLM built the main building of what is today USEK (Building A) in which was centralized the teaching of theology, philosophy, letters and canon law. The institution was then a scholasticate.

Following the enactment of the law of higher education in Lebanon, the scholasticate became the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik;

Adoption of the North American credit system.

Founding of three Regional University Centers in the North (Chekka), South (Rmeich) and Bekaa (Zahle).

Getting the European Institutional Accreditation(renewal accomplished in 2017).

Getting the ABET accreditation for nine Computing and Engineering programs - renewed in 2022.

Getting the evalag accreditation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Programs.

Getting the ABET Accreditation for two applied and natural sciences and the civil engineering programs.

Implementing a new academic structure : Faculty of Arts and Sciences, School of Architecture and Design, Business School, School of Engineering, School of Law and Political Sciences, School Medicine and Medical Sciences, Pontifical School of Theology.
Awarded International Certification from the NAAB for the Master in Architecture program.

Awarded full accreditation for the undergraduate Medical Education Program from the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Medical Education Programs (tepdad).

Academic Units Founding dates
Pontifical School of Theology 1950 Pontifical Faculty of Theology
2019 Pontifical School of Theology
School of Law and Political Sciences 1950 Canon Law
1988 Faculty of Law
2019 School of Law and Political Sciences
Higher Institute of Political and Administrative Sciences 2006 Affiliated to the School of Law and Political Sciences
Business School 1966 Faculty of Business and Commercial Sciences
2018 Business School
School of Architecture and Design 1974 Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts
2019 School of Architecture and Design
School of Engineering 2000 Faculty of Sciences and Computer Engineering
2010 Faculty of Engineering
2019 School of Engineering
School of Medicine and Medical Sciences 2001
Higher Institute of Nursing Sciences 1999 Affiliated to the School of Medicine and Medical Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Sciences 2019
Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities 1950
2019 merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Faculty of Letters 1950
2019 merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
School of Music and Performing Arts 1970 Institute of Musicology
1993 Faculty of Music
2019 merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences 1988
2019 merged with the School of Engineering and the Faculty of Arts & Sciences
Faculty of Sciences 2000 Faculty of Sciences and Computer Engineering
2010 Faculty of Sciences
2019 merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Faculty of Religious and Oriental Sciences 1969 Institute of Liturgy
2011 Faculty of Religious and Oriental Studies
2019 merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Institute of History & Archeology 1972 Institute of History (affiliated to the Faculty of Letters)
2019 merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences


students enrolled at USEK for the 2022-2023 Fall Semester:

  • Main Campus in Kaslik
  • RUC of Chekka
  • RUC of Rmeich
  • RUC of Zahle

USEK hosted 2307 new students in Fall 2020:

Faculties-Institutes New Students Registered in Fall 2022-2023 Total of Students Registered in 2022-2023*
Business School 506
Faculty of Arts and Sciences 735
Pontifical School of Theology 28
School of Architecture and Design 327
School of Engineering 207
School of Law and Political Sciences 146
School of Medicine and Medical Sciences 196
USEK Continuing Learning Center 5
Centers for Language, Music, Religious Studies and Theology 81
Free-Listeners 1
Total 2232

* Numbers for the 2022-2023 Fall Semester


graduates for the 2021-2022 Academic Year
graduates since the 2001-2002 Academic Year

International Relations

  • international agreements
  • memberships in international organizations

Human Resources

Faculty Members out of which:

Full-time Faculty Members in Fall 2022
Part-time Faculty Members in Fall 2022

Administrative and Technical Staff


Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 000
Fax : (+961) 9 600 100
© Tous droits réservés 2025
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