Institut Supérieur des Sciences Infirmières

(Affiliée à la Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences Médicales)

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Sciences

110 crédits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


General Education
Arts and Humanities
3 credits
Civic Engagement
2 credits
English Communication
3 credits
NTR211Fundamentals of Human Nutrition
3 credits
This three­credit course introduces the basic concepts related to nutrition. It gives an overview of nutrients, including their food sources, digestion, metabolism, functions, and requirements in humans. This course also examines the use of dietary guidelines and recommendations to assess the nutrient intake of healthy individuals. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to make optimal food choices for better health.
History of Lebanon
3 credits
PSY201Introduction to Psychology
3 credits
This introductory course is also enrolled in general education as a prerequisite for students who will pursue psychology training. This course will provide students with the basic concepts in psychology and will facilitate their access to knowledge during their academic curriculum. It includes the following objectives: Understanding psychology from a historical and a theoretical perspective (Gestalt, phenomenological, experimental, scientific, psychoanalytic and cognitive etc.). Understanding the various fields of psychology (clinical, experimental, developmental, educational, social etc.) and the different methods used (experimental, clinical, psychometric, projective, etc.) Providing an appropriate approach to personality issues: basic needs, affective and emotional (feelings, emotions), intellectual (cognition, memory) and social (social influence).
Quantitative Reasoning
3 credits
Religious Sciences
3 credits
Science and Health
6 credits
1 credits
SIN450Administration and Professional Organization
3 credits
This course is an introduction to professional organization and the knowledge and skills related to leadership and nursing care procedures management in view of delivering a better community service.
SIN243Basic Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN240
The course teaches basic knowledge about child health from birth to adolescence and the description of associated nursing health care, in particular prevention and detection of pathologies and specific risks from the stages of early childhood to adolescence. This theoretical course covers the basics of nursing competencies, known as "cross­ sectional care". Students will deepen their knowledge of the nursing care process with an introduction to the concept of nursing diagnosis.
SIN347Cardiovascular Pathology and Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN242
The nursing care part of the course revisits the physiological anatomy of the cardiovascular system, a description of the main diseases in cardiology and the nursing care responsibilities related to the diagnosis, as well as the medical treatment and surgical management of these diseases. The cardiac surgery part of the course covers the main surgery procedures of the heart and thoracic aorta, detailing surgical pathologies, the principle of procedure as well as the major surgical complications and their treatment.
SIN260Clinical Internship I
2 credits
Internships are where students learn and practice basic nursing care procedures in a hospital setting, including hygiene care, comfort of the patient, and monitoring of vital parameters. This internship experience will introduce students to the structure and organization of a hospital, the role of each member of the team, the opportunity to observe patient care procedures in hospital wards, and practical experience in basic care and hygiene monitoring as studied.
SIN265Clinical Internship II
2 credits
This internship focuses on the observation and participation by students in providing care to preschool and school children, adolescents and the elderly in daycare centers, schools and hospices. Observation and implementation of the healthcare and basic nursing care procedure as studied and demonstrated during the course will be put into practice, which will provide students with essential practical experience.
SIN360Clinical Internship III
2 credits
This course teaches students the basic concepts of the physiopathology of the male urinary and genital tract and its various pathologies: general introduction, etiology, symptoms, clinical and para-clinical evaluation, complications, therapeutic steps and the nursing role that arises. It includes a detailed description of the nursing care of patients with major urinary pathologies.
SIN365Clinical Internship IV
2 credits
This internship will facilitate the development of knowledge and theoretical/practical skills in relation to nursing care, clinical assessment in the nursing field, the organization of care and the patient/care provider relationship. Knowledge acquisition in this internship is preferably centered on the teaching of diseases and nursing care, which is provided in parallel during the course.
SIN460Clinical Internship V
2 credits
This internship is for the development of knowledge and theoretical/practical skills in relation to nursing care, clinical assessment in the nursing field, the organization of care and the patient/care provider relationship. It is preferable that this knowledge acquisition is centered on the teaching of diseases and nursing care, which is provided in parallel during the course.
SIN465Clinical Internship VI
2 credits
Last training internship: consolidation of acquired skills.
SIN270Clinical Internships (Summer)
1 credits
Students will participate in two full­time internships to gain experience in the implementation and enhancement of basic theoretical knowledge and skills studied during the first two semesters.
SIN370Clinical Internships of Liability (Summer)
1 credits
These two full­time internships include one in psychiatry, aiming to develop knowledge, and another in the theoretical/practical skills studied over the last two semesters.
SIN245Clinical Training and First Aid
3 credits
This course familiarizes students with the basic knowledge of the functioning of the various systems of the body and their main diseases. In addition, awareness of accident prevention, infectious diseases and those related to current lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, etc.), prevention and cancer screening will be covered. This is a practical course where students will learn through activities; they will be taught how to conduct first aid practices, including all the steps to follow when facing life-threatening emergencies or accidents (a first aid certificate is delivered by the Lebanese Red Cross).
SIN348Digestive Pathology and Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN242
This course provides an understanding of the basics of physiopathology and an assimilation of the basic concepts of the various digestive and liver diseases and their consequences, in order to design and manage the care of patients. It accurately describes the nursing care of patients with digestive diseases.
SIN246Elderly Nursing Care
3 credits
This course explores the role of the elderly in society, the aging physiology and psychological difficulties facing the multiple losses due to old age. Specific diseases and pathologies of the elderly will be examined and the associated nursing and basic care will be taught.
SIN445Hematology­Oncology and Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN242
This course is designed to provide students with the necessary information to understand the various benign and malignant hematological diseases, and cancer diseases. The various parts of the course allow students to understand the basic mechanisms of disease formation and help them adopt the related treatments. It accurately describes the nursing care procedures for patients with hematological disorders and cancerous diseases.
SIN242Human Anatomy and Physiology
3 credits
This course provides a general overview of the human anatomy and the organization of the various human body systems. It introduces the basics of the normal functioning of an organ, starting with the structural and functional unit that is the cell and ending with the most organized systems and the links among them. Students will become acquainted with these essential key concepts, and will learn to master them, as they are essential for the assimilation and understanding of the pathophysiology and pathology.
SIN442Infectious Diseases – Microbiology and Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN242
This course covers infectious disease mechanisms including ecological, molecular and cellular, and the implications of these mechanisms for the treatment and prophylaxis. The focus will be on the integration of basic concepts of antibiotic treatment and specific prophylaxis and general methods of diagnosing bacterial infections and pathogens requiring technical methods. Students will study the most common infectious diseases, treatments, prevention methods and the specific nurse responsibilities for these pathologies, along with a study of nosocomial infections and the role of the nurse (AD) in their prevention.
SIN240Introduction to Nursing Sciences
3 credits
This course aims at teaching current medical vocabulary. It introduces students to the history of the profession and the various concepts and theories of nursing. It is a theoretical course on basic nursing care: hygiene, comfort and vital parameters. Furthermore, the students are introduced to the study of the basic needs of human beings according to influential nurse, researcher, theorist and author, Virginia Henderson, in addition to the care process and handling the nursing care file. It concludes with an exploration of professional ethics through brainstorming.
SIN446Medical­surgical Intensive Care and Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN242
This course helps students understand and assimilate the basic concepts of the different pathologies in intensive care units and their consequences, in order to design and manage the type of care required for patients in critical conditions. It describes in detail the nursing care procedures to be given to critically-ill patients.
SIN443Neurological Pathology and Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN242
This course provides an understanding of elementary physiopathology and the basic concepts of the different pathologies of the nervous system and their consequences, in order to design and manage the care of patients and avoid complications as much as possible. In addition, learning about prevention, the application of the nursing process and the establishment of nursing diagnoses are important aspects of this course.
SIN346Nutritional Endocrine Pathology and Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN242
This course offers a clinical and para­clinical description of the various endocrine syndromes, their treatment and the role of the nurse with patients showing these symptoms. The course describes also the various endocrine pathologies requiring surgery, detailing the medical indications, surgical techniques, complications to be faced and the role of the nurse with patients. It also introduces them to the nutrition and nutritional strategies in situations of abuse and various pathologies that may benefit from nutritional care, such as diabetes, kidney disease, dyslipidemia, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
SIN441Obstetrics­Gynecology and Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN242
The first part of the course covers general information about pregnancy and possible nursing interventions for patients in the delivery room and postpartum. The second part provides an understanding of the basics of the different pathologies in gynecology in order to oversee the care of patients and avoid any complications. In both parts, learning preventive measures, applying nursing care processes and the establishing nursing diagnoses are essential knowledge and skills to acquire.
SIN444Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System and Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN242
This course provides essential knowledge in how to manage major trauma orthopedic conditions and basic nursing care skills in orthopedic pathologies trauma. Students will be introduced to clinical presentation, the means of diagnosis, and the therapeutics of mechanical rheumatic and inflammatory diseases, in addition to a description of the nursing care procedures undertaken with patients with musculoskeletal trauma and orthopedic pathologies.
SIN342Pediatric Pathology and Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN242
This course acquaints students with the prevailing exemplary pathologies, and the most urgent and serious neonatal cases, emergency infant, young child and adolescent cases and situations, as well as the various methods of preventing these diseases. It also describes the most common pediatric syndromes or diseases requiring surgical treatment. Students will acquire the theoretical knowledge needed for the care and supervision of a child in a neonatal period, in the hospital and in society. This useful knowledge is essential for any nursing student wishing to be a health promoting agent within the community.
SIN340Pharmacology ­ Toxicology
3 credits
The pharmacology course includes theoretical teaching and bibliographic research. The theoretical training consists of two parts: general and specific pharmacology. The first part is based on the fundamental concepts in pharmacology, and the second part talks about the drugs used for diseases of different systems. This second part introduces the therapeutic classes, the most frequently prescribed drugs, and the more recent drugs on the market. It also provides practical remarks and notes, and preventive measures, while focusing on the profession of nursing in particular, for a better and easier practice in situ. Regarding the practical part, students will choose a topic they would like to deal with among a series of suggested topics. Then, students will be asked to prepare a written report, followed by a short oral presentation about their research topic, allowing all students to benefit from all subjects discussed. This course is specifically designed for nursing students, as it provides them with the essential concepts and practical recommendations that will be important for them later on in the workplace. The toxicology course covers all acute situations and cases of toxic origin that an ER doctor or nurse may face. The groups of the most important toxic substances seen are studied as well as medicines, drugs, corrosives, and chemical weapons, etc.
SIN345Psychiatry and Nursing Care
3 credits
This course describes the major psychiatric illnesses and explores the various available treatments of these diseases.
SIN323Public and Community Health and Nursing Care
3 credits
This course introduces students to the elements that influence health, helps them to identify information resources that allow and facilitate the knowledge of a community, and to practice nursing in different community health and public health environments with different clientele living with particular health problems.
SIN343Respiratory Pathology and Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN242
In this course students will revisit in detail the physiological anatomy of the respiratory tract system, including the main pathologies of pneumology and nursing care associated with the diagnosis, and the medical treatment and surgical management of these diseases. The role of nurses combating the health consequences, prevention, and cessation of smoking is also a focus subject tackled on this course.
SIN349Sense Organs Pathology and Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN242
This course teaches students about the elementary physiopathology of the sense organs and how to assimilate the fundamentals of the various eye, ENT sphere, and skin diseases and their consequences, in order to design and manage the treatments and care for patients without any complications. Learning about the prevention measures, the application of the nursing care process and the establishment of the nursing diagnoses are fundamental to this course.
SIN350Urinary Pathology and Nursing Care
3 credits    |    Pré-requis: SIN242
This course teaches students the basic concepts of the physiopathology of the male urinary and genital tract and its various pathologies: general introduction, etiology, symptoms, clinical and para-clinical evaluation, complications, therapeutic steps and the nursing role that arises. It includes a detailed description of the nursing care of patients with major urinary pathologies.


This program is accredited by the Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission of ABET,


The mission of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Sciences program is to train university­level nurses to provide preventive, curative, and palliative care, and to promote, preserve or restore health. Such interventions contribute to the education and to the health of individuals or groups of people and take place, whether autonomously or collaboratively, within the framework of a multidisciplinary team in all areas of activity in the nursing profession.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Graduates will have the theoretical, technical and relational knowledge needed to understand and take care of the health needs of individuals or groups of people within the framework of a multidisciplinary team.
2. Graduates will conduct self-assessment, scientific curiosity and critical awareness in order to improve the quality of nursing care and professional practices, and have the ability to acquire new knowledge quickly and adapt to various situations.
3. Graduates will have values based on respect for individuals and their rights, thus exercising professional ethical behavior, allowing them to make informed decisions and act with autonomy and responsibility within the scope of their function.

Program Outcomes

a. An ability to apply knowledge in applied science and natural science to relevant fields of nursing science.
b. An ability to assess a clinical situation and formulate a nursing diagnosis.
c. An ability to plan and conduct a nursing project.
d. An ability to apply and use the knowledge, gestures and modern technical and scientific tools needed for nursing practice.
e. An ability to identify complications or risks associated with care and / or disease and provide appropriate solutions.
f. An ability to initiate and implement educational and preventive care and / or projects in an individual, societal and global context.
g. An ability to communicate and lead an effective connection in a care setting.
h. An ability to analyze and improve professional practice, and engage in training.
i. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
j. An ability to organize and coordinate care interventions and those related to trainee training, as part of a multidisciplinary team.
k. A capacity to understand contemporary issues related to public and community health.
Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik
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