About Us

The Phoenix Center for Lebanese Studies (PCLS), founded in 2008 at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, is a multidisciplinary space devoted to all fields related to Lebanon.

The objectives of the PCLS are three-fold:
  • Information Resources: establishing an analytical and thematic database covering all the fields related to Lebanese studies and forming archival collections from materials that belonged to individuals or institutions.
  • Research: establishing at the same time interdisciplinary and international programs and initiatives, contributing to the development of knowledge on Lebanese culture and thoughts.
  • Scientific Diffusion: promoting Lebanese studies, in Lebanon and abroad, and developing activities such as colloquiums, publications, participation in different forums and exchanges through scholarships, and partnerships with national and international universities and institutions.
Mission & Objectives
The Phoenix Center for Lebanese Studies (PCLS) aims to preserve the Lebanese heritage archives, to protect it from loss and prevent it from falling into oblivion, and to put it at the disposal of researchers and students in order to promote cultural and scientific research, thereby encouraging them to write articles and produce literature works.

These archives represent the memory, history, originality and identity of Lebanon. As such, their preservation is essential for the sake of current and future generations. The true value of preserving archives lies in discovering and commemorating them, and reflecting on the past in order to build the future.

The mission of the Phoenix Center for Lebanese Studies (PCLS) is based on collecting archives from the public and private sector to highlight the immortal character of heritage and memory, and to promote their content, be it printed or in any other form.

Optimal conservation measures will be applied so that all archives are accessible to the public. The main steps include sterilization and cleaning, collection and sorting, classification and coding, in addition to numbering, digitization, and storage in a special room at ambient conditions.

The Center also deals with the publication and distribution of works pertaining to Lebanon and its heritage. These publications are divided into five categories: Research, Novels, Theater, Poetry, and Anthology. (This list is to be expanded later on to include more topics.)


Title Function Email Phone
Moukarzel, Joseph (P.) Director josephmoukarzel@usek.edu.lb 09/600377
Younes, Carlos Assistant Director carlosyounes@usek.edu.lb 09/600356
El Hajj, Marlene Administrative Assistant marlenehajj@usek.edu.lb 09/600387
Ojeil, Elias Layout Designer elieojeil@usek.edu.lb 09/600387

Archives Department

Title Function Email Phone
Ojeil, Rodica Archivist Supervisor​​ rodicaojeil@usek.edu.lb 09/600364
Elias, Elie Project Coordinator elieelias@usek.edu.lb 09/600639
Khoueiry, Abir Archivist abirkhoueiry@usek.edu.lb 09/600399
Dia, Charbel Archivist charbeldia@usek.edu.lb 09/600387
Dirany, Eliane Archivist elianedirany@usek.edu.lb 09/600399
Jabbour-Gedeon, Balkis Officer for Cleaning, Classification and Funds Numbering balkisjabbourgedeon@usek.edu.lb 09/600387
Machaalany, Nancy Archive Inventory Officer nancymachaalany@usek.edu.lb 09/600399
Tonine Ishak Clerk tonineishak@usek.edu.lb 09/600387
Milan, Sandy Belle Junior Archivist sandybellemilan@usek.edu.lb 09/600639
Rizkalla, Joseph Archivist josepherizkallah@usek.edu.lb 09/600387
Ibrahim, Josiane Archivist josianeibrahim@esuk.edu.lb 09/600387
Khalil, Elham Clerk elhamkhalil@usek.edu.lb 09/600387

Digitization Department

Title Function Email Phone
Moussa, Alfred Imaging Coordinator alfredmoussa@usek.edu.lb 09/600383
Yammine, Narimane Digitization Assistant narimaneyammine@usek.edu.lb 09/600386
Bou Kheir, Rony Image Quality Controller ronyboukhair@usek.edu.lb 09/600386
Chedid, Elias Digitization Assistant eliaschedid@usek.edu.lb 09/600386
Jabbour, Youssef Digitization Assistant Youssefjabbour@usek.edu.lb 09/600386
Gandour, Joseph Photo Lab Technician josephghandour@usek.edu.lb 09/600353
Elias, Hady Digitization Assistant josephghandour@usek.edu.lb 09/600386
Phoenix Center for Lebanese Studies
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 387
Fax : (+961) 9 600 385
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