Library Collections
Price / page |
Additional cost |
Item Type |
Academic / Non Profit |
Commercial / Individuals |
Handling |
Books out of copyright |
$0.50 |
$5 |
Rare Books
$5 |
Newspapers pre 1900
$10 |
Newspapers 1900-1950
$10 |
Newspapers 1950- |
$10 |
Manuscript * |
$2 |
$5 |
Maps pre 1900 |
$15 |
$50 |
$5 |
Maps 1900-1950 |
$10 |
$20 |
$5 |
Maps 1950- |
$5 |
$15 |
$5 |
Photos Pre 1900 |
$15 |
$50 |
$5 |
Photos 1900-1950 |
$10 |
$25 |
$5 |
Photos Post 1950- |
$5 |
$15 |
$5 |
Archival materials (documents/papers) |
$2 |
$5 |
$10 |
Engravings pre 1900 |
$15 |
$50 |
$5 |
Engravings 1900-1950 |
$10 |
$25 |
$5 |
Engravings Post 1950- |
$5 |
$15 |
$5 |
*Requests will be handled case by case and prices will be changed accordingly.
Additional Cost
Postage inside Lebanon |
$ 6 |
Postage outside Lebanon
depending on the country (contact the reproduction services for details)
$ 2 |
Payments must be made in advance before orders are processed.
Payment methods are as follows:
You can cancel your order free of charge if our Digitization Center has not started the process. If the process has started, you will be charged a $20 cancellation fee.
1. Normal processing time for duplication orders is 5 to 10 working days.
2. Reproduction of rare books, manuscripts, newspapers, and archives housed in the USEK Library should be credited. Credits for film, television, and video may be run at the end of the program or presentation.
Credit Format:
Name or title of the item, name of collection, name of Center or special collections, USEK Library, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon.
3. For reproduction or publishing, a “
Notice of Intent to Publish Special Collections Material from USEK Library” should be filled and signed for approval.
4. A copy of any publication resulting from extensive research using USEK Library materials should be offered gratis to the Library.
5. In all cases, the USEK University Library only owns the physical item and therefore does not assume any responsibility for literary property, copyright, or any other legal issues involved in the publication and reproduction of items in its collections. In the case of both textual and visual materials (including photographs and works of art), it is the responsibility of the user to secure permission from the appropriate copyright holder.
6. The researcher agrees not to reproduce copies as dust jackets, as end papers, or to use in an advertisement or any commercial use of a similar nature, nor to mass reproduce, unless specifically authorized by USEK Library.
7. Content may not be altered or manipulated without special permission from USEK Library, except for minor cropping, brightness, contrast adjustment and noise reduction.
According to
WIPO “Copyright legislation is part of the wider body of law known as intellectual property (IP) which refers broadly to the creations of the human mind. IP rights protect the interests of innovators and creators by giving them rights over their creations”.
1. How Do I Get Permission for Copyrighted Works?
Lebanese Law on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property*. (No. 75 of April 3, 1999) says:
“The copyright holder shall have the exclusive right to exploit the work commercially and, accordingly, shall have the right to authorize or prohibit the following: any copying, printing, recording and reproduction of the work in any manner or form including photography, cinematography, sound or visual recordings of any kind or any other form”. For more information check Chapter V, pp. 14-22.
2. What is the Public Domain?
The public domain term refers to works that are not protected by copyright law.
Works become in the public domain because their copyright duration has expired, or they have been dedicated to the public domain by the copyright owner, or the work is ineligible for copyright protection.
No permission is needed to copy public domain works. Author’s moral right is a must even in Public Domain works; user should preserve the integrity of the author work and cite it properly.
3. Terms of Protection (copyright duration)
According to the Lebanese Law |
Copyright Duration |
Author |
Life of the author and 50 years after his/her death, to be computed from the end of the year in which the death has occurred.
Joint authorship |
Life of the joint authors and 50 years after the death of the last joint author, to be computed from the end of the year in which the death has occurred. Should one of the authors die without leaving heirs, his/her share shall pass to the co-authors or to their heirs, unless stated otherwise. |
Collective / Audiovisual works
50 years to be computed from the end of the year in which the work has been made available to the public. |
Anonymous or pseudonymous work |
The term of protection shall expire 50 years after the work has been lawfully made available to the public. |
Performers |
50 years to be computed from the end of the year in which the performance has been carried out. |
Producers of sound recordings |
50 years to be computed from the end of the year in which the first fixation of sound on tangible material has taken place.
Broadcasting organizations |
50 years to be computed from the end of the year in which the broadcasting of their programs has taken place. |
Publishing houses |
50 years to be computed from the end of the year in which the first publication has taken place.
For detailed information, check:
Lebanese Law on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property*. (No. 75 of April 3, 1999)
For further information, do not hesitate to contact us at