Learning and Teaching Excellence

Post-Graduate MA / Certificate in Learning and Teaching for Higher Education

30 credits


Final thesis dissertation or Seminar delivery
LTE690Final thesis dissertation
6 credits
This course is designed to assist students in the completion of their research paper or graduate project. The expectation is that all students begin this course having already attended the modules 1 and 2. Therefore, this course is designed to provide guidance in the final completion of the research paper/graduate project until achieving the oral defense.
LTE695Seminar delivery
6 credits
This is a course that trains students to present an in-depth examination of a topic in Teaching and Learning through the delivery of a professional seminar and to observe and listen to how scientific research is presented.
Module 1: Teaching and supporting learning in Higher Education
LTE510Active learning strategies
3 credits
This course explains how active Learning includes a range of teaching and learning activities. These strategies, supported by decades of classroom research, may be thought of as a continuum from low risk to high risk for both teachers and students. The course will also explain how more complex and higher risk as well as highest risk processes might include in active learning activities.
LTE515Faculty leadership skills for student’s motivation and supporting learning
3 credits
This course studies how leadership influences student learning. According to the evidence compiled, Faculty will learn how leadership tends to be greatest in teaching where the learning needs of students are most acute and how do high-quality leaders achieve this impact while setting directions in course delivery and developing people.
LTE505Learning theories: building your philosophy of T&L
3 credits
This course provides a detailed analysis of modern learning theories and practices as they relate to education. The question, “how do humans learn (best)?” is at the heart of such theories, and faculty are invited to construct and reconstruct their personal theories of teaching and learning throughout the course. It embarks on a detailed investigation of major research in educational psychology focusing on learning cognition.
Module 2: Assessment, feedback and discipline specific pedagogy
LTE520Assessment and feedback
3 credits
In this practical course, faculty will learn how to create and use assessment tools that improve instruction (formative assessments) as well as gauge its success (summative assessments), and how to arrive at an effective balance of the two. The course demonstrates how educators come away with tools and strategies that they can use immediately, making balanced assessment an integral part of their own instruction.
LTE525Discipline specific pedagogy for effective learning
3 credits
While the principles of pedagogy remain the same, discipline areas have different ways of teaching that work best for that discipline. Discipline specific pedagogy is not the same as habits of teaching that grow up among groups of teachers in sections. Teachers understand and develop discipline specific pedagogy best by talking to people outside their own discipline as well as those inside.
Module 3: Designing and evaluating for learning and teaching
LTE535Course and program evaluation strategies
3 credits
This course will be focused on giving you hands-on experience in the specific research skills and tools required for effective program evaluation. Individual written assignments will build on each other over the course of the semester, culminating in a final paper documenting your evaluation plan for a real-world project.
LTE540Instructional technology for supporting learning
3 credits
This is a course involving the selection and use of various educational technologies within an instructional design framework. Students will be exposed to various ways of thinking about educational media and technology. The course provides students with experiences that enable them to integrate technology resources to support clearly defined learning objectives.
LTE530Integrated course and program design
3 credits
The course on integrated course and program design enables participants from all areas of higher education to reflect on the power of creating good courses; courses that are based on significant learning experiences in and out of the classroom. By focusing on learner goals, teaching activities and assessment of learning, participants develop a template they can use in creating their own course that integrates these three areas. Of particular value is Fink's Taxonomy of significant learning: foundational knowledge, application, integration, caring, human dimension and learning how to learn.
USEK offers a MA/Certificate in Learning and Teaching for Higher Education. It is designed to equip professionals who already have subject matter expertise within their academic discipline with the knowledge, skills, and credentials to teach at the university level or train in a corporate setting. Throughout the program, participants will examine the roles and responsibilities of faculty and students and acquire skills for effective teaching in both online and in-person settings.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Graduates will support and contribute to the growth of the higher education learning community;
2. Graduates will become professional educators and promote amongst their students the notion of proactive, autonomous, lifelong learning and to increase the flexibility of program delivery, improve access, and emphasize the increasing significance and potential of technology enhanced learning, teaching and assessment;
3. Graduates will demonstrate leadership and initiative to ethically advance professional goals, and facilitate the achievements of others.

Program Outcomes

a. Analyze and explore the role and function of teaching and learning in higher education;
b. Apply theories of learning, teaching and assessment for making critical judgments of performance within the HE setting;
c. Use appropriate skills of curriculum design, teaching and assessing;
d. Develop reflective practice and experiential learning in teaching and learning facilitation;
e. Review their own professional needs, and plan and undertake relevant and appropriate activities to meet these identified needs;
f. Develop their skills and understanding in designing and conducting their own research into practice;
g. Undertake critical evaluation of research into learning and teaching in higher education and provide them with the skills and knowledge to participate in such research;
h. Utilize all learning opportunities to maintain and enhance personal and professional growth;
i. Show a commitment to teamwork while working with others of diverse cultural and interdisciplinary backgrounds;
j. Conduct researches to strengthen knowledge and critical understanding in teaching and learning.
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