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Wall of Fame
Pierre Raffoul
Wall of Fame
Abeer Nehme
Antoine Habchi
Antoine Chaaya
Carla Ramia
Charbel Rouhana
Claude Abi Saad
Edward Torikian
General Elia Bechara Francis
Elias Hankash
Dr. Fady J. Gemayel
Fares Jammal
Donald Batal
Dora Alfred Khazen
Retired General Dr. Georges Herro
George Nehme
Grace Ghanem
Ghada Shbeir
Hisham El Hajj
Ibrahim Assaf
Julia Kassar
Joumana Mdawar
Joumana Haddad
Jad Rahbani
Jean-Marie Riachi
Lena Dargham
Mahmoud Adnan Makié
Sister Marana Saad
Maral Tutelian
Marc Beyrouthy
Nader Khoury
Nadia Essayan
Nicolas El-Osta
Pierre Raffoul
Pierrette Katrib
Rafca Fares
Ramzi Nohra
Randa Aalam Hobeika
Rodrigue Nacouzi
Samir Syriani
Shady Fayad
Tony Abou Ghazaly
Wael Kfoury
Walid Nadim Abboud
Youssef Sfeir
Ziad Hawat
Zeina EL Kallab
Pierre Raffoul
Born in Miziara – Al Haref, Zgharta District on April 15, 1951.
Former Minister of State to the Presidency of the Lebanese Republic from 2016 to 2019.
Director of Sawt El Mada radio station in Lebanon since 2009.
Coordinator of the Free Patriotic Movement from 2005 to 2015.
Coordinator of the Central Office of National Coordination for the popular movements in support of the Lebanese army from 1988 to 1992.
President of the United Australian Lebanese Movement (UALM) from 1992 to 2005.
Founded the Arabic and English editions of the Middle East Herald in Australia in 1996; chaired its Board of Directors and was its editor-in-chief until 2005.
Holds a PhD in Political Sciences and History from the University of Sydney in Australia.
Holds a Master of Arts in Philosophy and a Diploma in Advanced Studies from the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK).
Authored a book, titled “Aoun of the Lebanese Awakening: a Testimony to History and a Lesson to the Future.”
Married to Ms. Nelly Habib Melki with whom he has three children: Marie José, Daniel, and Michel.