School of Music and Performing Arts

(Affiliated to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences)

Minor in Theater

18 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


The mission of this minor is to put Theater in the scope of actuality, in concomitance with the social, economic, cultural and political changes, since theater is mainly the reflection of society. In order to do this, this option aims to ensure a solid theoretical teaching in terms of history related to shows, methodology of analysis, aesthetics, etc. providing workshops for plays, dance, mime, and puppets.

Program Educational Objectives

1. To acquire specific knowledge of the history of theater and spectacles, theories and practices of the stage and to get familiarized with the actuality of contemporary spectacle and with the new forms of expression in this field. Demonstrate the use of music terminology as it applies to the music styles.
2. To develop the acuity of judgment both in terms of creation and in terms of reception.
3. To acquire multiple scenic technical performances.

Program Outcomes

a. The student will be familiar with the natures of the shows and its literary and scenic components. He will have to distinguish a spectacular genre from a subgenre, as well as to recognize the aesthetic current to which it is connected.
b. The student will be able to analyze methodically both a drama literary artwork (read) as well as a scenic artwork (presented on stage), to identify the scenic choices of the directors, and to conduct a critical study on a show.
c. The student will be invited to perform in various kinds of shows (theatrical play, puppet animation, mime show, clown and dancing show ... etc).
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
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