Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Academic Programs

Bachelor of Arts in Languages and Literature - Emphasis: French Language and Literature (Open for Admission with a minimum no. of entering class)

Progamme Accreditation
126 credits
For students entering the program at the Freshman level
(Please click here for more info on the Freshman program)
96 credits
For students entering the program at the Sophomore level
(holders of a recognized Baccalaureate or Freshman diploma - equivalent to 30 credits)


General Education Common Core
ARA311Current Problems in the Arab World
3 credits
TRD220Initiation to Translation
3 credits
ANG411Modern Cult. Issues in English
3 credits
LFR205Modern Cultural Issues in French
3 credits
ELL315Public Speaking
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: ENG240
This course is designed to help students become more effective and responsible speakers and listeners. It will encourage them to communicate more openly in different settings (speeches, debates, group discussion, interviews, etc.). This course teaches students the necessary skills needed to become more articulate in verbal communication. It also highlights the importance of both encoding and decoding in the communication process.
ARA310Techniques of Expression in Arabic
3 credits
This course is designed to improve the Arabic language performance of the students, and to help them learn, through the different patterns of expression (poetry, literary writings, articles, reports, etc.) how to analyze, connect, distinguish and deduce in order to better understand or write texts. This course also aims to raise the awareness of future translators of the formal and stylistic particularities of each type of discourse.
LFR216Techniques of Expression in French
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: LFR201
This course initiates students to analyze different kinds of oral or written texts through communication, enunciation, semantics, narration and argumentation theories. It also develops formal and stylistic specificities peculiar to each type of speech and leads students to analyze and produce different types of texts. It helps students to consider, later on, in their translations the communication strategies and other types of speech due to their identification and analysis in this course.
LFR201Advanced French course
3 credits
3 credits
This course is designed to help students acquire writing techniques to develop both French literary exercises: Commentaire composé and dissertation as per the official French curricula. This course teaches students the necessary skills needed for analyzing literary texts and writing dissertations and gives students the opportunity to enhance their writing abilities. The theory will be given based on analysis of texts from several periods and genres.
LFR224Elements of Linguistics
3 credits
Based on texts written by the founders of the discipline, this course will introduce students to the history of linguistics and the main linguistic concepts and theories developed to date, in order to familiarize them with the various fields of the application of linguistics. This introduction will be followed by a study of the French phonetic and phonological systems: synchronic study of sounds, articulatory and combinatorial phonetic transcription, and the phonological approach to French (articulation points and modes of phonemes, minimal pairs, distinctive features, etc.). It will be followed by the study of phonetic evolution.
LFR310Francophone Literatures and Cultures
3 credits
This course aims to examine the expansion of Francophonie based on two problem issues: the first one deals with the relationship between history, politics and literature; while the second deals with the link between the francophone writer and the French language. The issues will be examined using a grouping of texts taken from the most representative books of Francophonie.
LFR316French Morphology and Syntax
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: LFR201
This course is designed to cover both branches of lexicology: lexical semantics and lexical morphology. After defining the discipline, as well as the components of the word and the lexicon, students will study lexical semantics (linguistic sign, lexicographic definitions, semic analysis and semantic relations). Then they will learn the approach of lexical morphology, i.e. word formation processes (derivation, composition and particular systems).
LFR227From Text to Stage Representation
3 credits
LFR220History of French Literature I
3 credits
Literary history (18th, 19th and 20th century) invites students to re­explore the French literature of modern times through its main authors and movements. It uses mainly the diachronic approach which enables students to relocate a work within a broad literary movement, to identify the specificities of expression modes related to an era or to a literary genre, and to understand the conveyed literary sensibilities.
LFR411Latin Language and Civilization
3 credits
Accessing a second level of learning Latin clearly requires a preliminary initiation. This course will first endeavor to summarize and deepen certain language skills, then complete this first level with an indispensable civilizational supplement. To this end, the implementation of a teaching method alternating between language and civilization will offer students the opportunity to rediscover the heritage that founded the French language and thinking.
LFR423Linguistics of Enunciation
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: LFR224
This course aims to introduce students to the theory of articulation. After defining articulation within the field of linguistics, the course will familiarize students with the components of indexical deixis, the characteristics, particularly the verbal ones, of the articulation plans, and the different forms of the enunciative heterogeneity. The presentation of each notion will be followed by a relevant observation, analysis and interpretation in selected literary texts.
LFR420Literary Readings
3 credits    |    Pre-requisite: LFR314
This course is designed to study the work of Jean Cocteau, a marginal author whose pluralistic work played a leading role in 20th century literature. Novels, poetry, theater, cinema, music and painting are all areas that were explored by this unique author.
LFR221Literature, Culture and Society
3 credits
This course aims to shed light on the relationship between society and literary production by relying on the historical and political context of a specific era. The chosen time is the 1950s, a period shaken by the two World Wars whose influence is particularly seen in writings that fall within the dramatic genre.
LFR322Novels, texts and representation
3 credits
LFR211Textual Analysis
3 credits
LFR409Topics in French Literature
3 credits
This course will successively shed light on the structural and narrative characteristics, as well as the thematic constants of the fairy tales and fantasy through a corpus of short stories and stories that reveal the evolution of both genres between the 17th and the 20th century.
LFR430Literary Criticism
3 credits
Initiation to the structuralist­narratological approach of a text using the method of Gérard Genette.


This accreditation commission of evalag, Evalag-Baden-Württemberg http ://www.evalag.de, accredited this program and awarded the evalag international label for program accreditation.


The mission and objectives of the program are to develop the undergraduate students’ communicative competence in Arabic / English / French and critical thinking skills to develop writing and speaking skills and to interpret literature. It works toward forming students academically and endeavors to achieve intercultural dialogue between these languages. It also provides the students with the educational resources that enhance their appreciation of the significance of the language and literature in the world today and promote cultural exchanges between Lebanon, the region and the world. Thus, it will allow graduates to have successful careers in education, editing, or writing.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Graduates will become educators in Arabic / French / English language as first language in the complementary cycle of the Lebanese school system.
2. Graduate will become educators in the literary texts and writers integrated to the program of the complementary cycle of the Lebanese school system.

Student Learning Outcomes

a. Classify literary works and explain basic concepts of literature;
b. Analyze literary works critically;
c. Distinguish and explain basic linguistic concepts;
d. Use linguistic knowledge to analyze real-life situations critically;
e. Apply different literary theories to evaluate literature;
f. Apply various linguistic approaches to evaluate real-situation texts;
g. Write effectively for different purposes;
h. Communicate effectively and use speaking skills for various purposes;
i. Relate language and literature to wider social and historical contexts;
j. Demonstrate knowledge and awareness of varied cultural situations relation to literature and language.
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