Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Master of Arts in Education - Technology of Education

36 credits


Common Core
EDU600ICT Project Management
3 credits
Credits are allocated in the course for three aspects. 1 Cr: Is based on project management theories and therefore equips the students with elements that allow them to develop a project, starting from the phase of the analysis requirement needs to the project evaluation phase. It is creating these devices (development of specifications); within a context of usage of the ICTE along with theoretical insights and practices that will be given on devices using technology, the latter ranging from web­based training to the establishment of distance training, passing by hybrid devices. Three areas will be prioritized: ­ the analysis of the devices to be implemented (describe the needs of the ICTE in training, analyze systemic constraints); ­ the design of these devices (development of specifications); ­ their evaluation (evaluative approach and self­assessment). 1Cr: Epistemology forms part of the course. This is a study of the concepts and methods of the various trends of modern epistemology, which originated in the early ”epistemological ruptures" that separate the pre­scientific period from the classical rational science and highlight their implications in the renovation of the articles of science, epistemology and history of science. 1Cr: Ethics of the Training: This part of the course introduces the students to the basic concepts of philosophical ethics (the righteous, the good, the moral conscience, fundamentalism, consistency, relativism), and the main contemporary doctrines. In the second stage, the course analyzes the major ethical problems arising from educational practices and the educational institution such as social justice, education facing the moral pluralism, education for citizenship, respect of other, human rights, ethics of the practitioners of education, training and professional integration. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to analyze the ethical issues related to educational practices and the design of educational systems and develop a normative argument on these issues.
MTR681Quantitative Methods in Humanities
2 credits
This course introduces students to the multiple uses of statistics and contexts from which data is drawn. It allows them to acquire mastery of statistical concepts used in their research and be able to conduct proper investigations. This course provides the Master’s students with the basic knowledge that enables them to act with autonomy in surveys and data processing. It enables them to systematize the stages of an investigation through data collection, data organization, analysis and interpretation of data. Students also learn to use statistical tools for compiling the data and analysis of results.
MTR575Research Methodology in Humanities
3 credits
The course aims to introduce a working method, in order to conduct scientific research. It is mainly about conducting research required at the level of Master’s thesis and implementing the different stages of scientific research, ranging from the position of the problem until the drafting and final presentation of the research. Furthermore, regarding a research topic, the course looks at how to select a problematic and devise relevant hypotheses, choose an appropriate technique and then apply it. Students will learn how to communicate the results of research in the form of a clear, rigorous and scientific text. The purpose of this course is to master the design, drafting and submission of the dissertation.
EDU514Curriculum Design and Educational Policies
2 credits
The study of theories of explicit and implicit programs will be the subject of this seminar. This study will cover the basics for the design, development, management and implementation of programs. An analysis of the theoretical and practical aspects of the programs’ evolution requires consideration at several levels: the role of objectives in curriculum planning, the analysis of needs, building contents, stages of implementation of these programs, revision of evaluation models and the theoretical aspects structuring the different disciplines. This study will be accompanied by the discussion of issues that arise during the implementation of renovated programs and successive transformations carried out on the educational programs throughout their implementation.
EDU525From Distance Learning to E-Learning
2 credits
Since the mid­nineteenth century each new technology has been proposed for use in education and distance learning systems (correspondence courses, cinema, radio, television, computer­assisted instruction, etc.), without education itself changing profoundly. Today the Internet has penetrated into training and educational systems, and reduced the traditional boundaries between lectures, distance learning and self­training. These divisions are no longer appropriate.
The course aims at taking a historical approach towards technology for education and training modes of variation­integration of different forms of E­Learning.
EDU621ICT and Professional Identities of Trainers
2 credits
The course raises awareness of the mastery of techniques of observation, both traditional and computerized and necessary for the understanding of the meaning of the practices of users of ICTE in the teaching world. At all levels of training, the use of technology, for teaching an educator, causes upheavals that question the postures of the actors in the educational system. Professional postures are confronted, on the one hand, with the new "cultural" practices of "digital nature" and, on the other hand, with the tools and programs developed by the training systems. If the myth of the suppression of teachers is no longer appropriate, what are the new competencies of teachers? What are the new professions? This course will put these issues into perspective. It will address certification issues, as well as the study of collaborative online practices and the uses of digital work environments.
2 credits
As part of this course, students in the Master’s program of the Technology of Education will be prepared to master the techniques of observation necessary to understand the meaning of the practices carried out by users of the instruments and the ICTE devices. This course enables students to further explore the effects of the integration of the ICTE in educational institutions, research laboratories or any other company involved in the implementation of the CTB, and analyze concrete experiences in the field. The practices included in this course represent an approach to help students develop projects, based on the methods observed in the targeted context so that they can build the tools indispensable for achieving the ICTE project. A presentation of research carried out by students in technology workshops will be a complementary activity to observation and that highlights the independence and student creativity.
EDU526Media Education
2 credits
The diffusion of digital creative content and the multiplication of online and mobile distribution platforms create new challenges for media literacy. In today's world, it is necessary to develop analytical capabilities to better understand - intellectually and emotionally - digital media. Media literacy requires esthetic training that includes knowledge of iconic works, cinema and TV, from the point of view of their forms, their modes of signification, history of representations, and basic benchmarks for the training of the mind; especially for students immersed in the world of images from birth. It also requires a mastery of languages, through which attention is paid to the means as such (channels, but also the formal constraints, strategies, rhetoric, organization, etc.), to the extent that they induce and produce sense. It is required, therefore, to form the critical mind of students in such a way as to raise questions, make choices, build consistency, to question the validity and operation of any message that can be read like an extract from the real (information, testimony, documents, etc.). Also they need to perceive the implicit aims, to master the form and content and respect certain norms, some deontology, in the way of communicating. An education for citizenship is about learning to move in a universe dominated by the media, to resist manipulation of all kinds, to confront the sources, to form a personal opinion, to affirm individual tastes, to reinvest personal codes for use and express themselves freely, while respecting a certain number of communication and ethical rules.
EDU534Templates, Web 2 Tools and Mobile Learning
2 credits
This course is complementary to the course "Tools for ICTE and Distance Education". It focuses on the learning and the implementation of the main applications of the Internet in education. The course is based initially on a presentation of research on the uses of educational resources available on the World Wide Web, wikis, blogs, RSS feeds, but also issues intrinsically linked to the development of tools for Web 2.0 or Mobile Learning such as legal problems (copyright, traces, etc.), technological constraints, the semantic web and its applications to research. In the second phase, students will have implemented, through simulations, the different elements presented.
EDU524The Knowledge Society, Sociological and Philosophical Approaches
2 credits
The digital revolution has enabled the emergence of new forms of thought, sociality, culture and policy involving new forms of pedagogical and educational projects that highlight the need to carry out a reflection on a series of questions. The course provides information on the theoretical and methodological approaches in the sociology of uses, to analyze the types of reactions and social and cultural appropriation of ICT and media (rejection, resistance, adoption, embezzlement, etc.).
The course also deals with philosophical approaches that question today's society, explores important issues concerned with theoretical debates and empirical case studies on issues specific to sources of knowledge, changes, namely digital communities, neighborhoods and digital identities, globalization of production and consumption of information, the emergence of a knowledge­based society in perpetual change, instability of knowledge and, at the same time, the massive growth of knowledge and consequences at the level of the individual and the community. The course also tries to think about education articulated in debates, issues and positions, that the sociophilosophical approach does not fail to deploy. The course interrogates the various structuring themes of the educational issue, whether it be the desire, experience, language, modernity, nature and freedom, critical thinking, person, knowledge, meaning, values, etc.
EDU527Thematic Seminar in Educational Technology
2 credits
As part of this course, a training scheme is offered to students. Students undergoing training may follow a research seminar that appeals to international stakeholders. In a project teaching logic, students will draw upon computerized tools at their disposal, and will design a situation of teaching/learning from the perspective of research and development. For this purpose experimental facilities (laboratory ICTE) will be available on their website. Students will also examine concrete examples in the field of current research in ICTE, with emphasis on methodology (Investigational Device designs, data analysis, etc.). Presentations will be held to deepen a given theme; each representing a particular disciplinary or methodological approach. Students will develop and implement a project of information and research communication. Students will focus on technological activities that can lead to gains in learning and / or lead to change in teaching and learning.
EDU515Theories of Information and Communication
2 credits
Knowledge is an entirety of intelligible information. Information is the primary background for knowledge. Communication is the information in motion or the approaches of information transmission from a source to the user. Since the theory of Shanon EC, which describes the most basic aspects of communication systems, information theory was made more precise, and has now become indispensable in the conception of any communication system, in the broadest sense of the term. The communicational contribution of the approaches of behaviorism, media, functionalism, polo altism, the Frankfurt School, Mcluhanism, will be addressed in a historical and sociological perspective. The delivery of a course on the subject is done precisely to set the limits of the twentieth century theories, and grapple with the digital age and what ensues (nanotechnology, cybernetics, and genetics), because humanity is confronted with new questions.
EDU533Tools for ICTE and Distance Education
2 credits
This course introduces learners to a techno­pedagogical approach aimed at the material management of the ICTE (computer equipment, software configuration of machines), software tools and their uses in education, types of environments for the educator, and educational software packages, synchronous and asynchronous learning platforms, etc.
Specialization - Electives
EDU606Educational Resources Online - For School Education
2 credits
This course provides a concrete discovery of digital resources for education, namely typology of digital resources for education, online Research Methodology, and analysis of digital resources for education and problems of their educational uses. Today the modes of preparation at all levels of education and training are relying more and more on the consultation and the integration of educational resources found online. Training institutions are faced with the emergence of teaching practices of communities, personal websites of all kinds and commercial offers of resources, the proliferation of which does not facilitate the trainer's job. This course's main purpose is to introduce the diversity of these resources, the access modes to the latter, but also to give future teachers the key to analyze, in order to help them integrate these issues into their faculty practices.
EDU604Video Games and Serious Games
2 credits
This course consists of a presentation of video games made in the forefront of technology and marketed to the general public, leaving a serious impact on the concept of leisure and Ludo science. Its objective is to demonstrate the educational value of a business called "creation of video games in school" for students to seize the opportunities and challenges related to the use of video games for learning. Students will learn to develop analysis and design of educational video games skills. They will also learn how to set learning goals and write audiovisual synopses for achieving the objectives. The term "Serious Games" is used to designate games utilized for utilitarian purposes, particularly in a formative purpose. However, we will focus on the "Serious Games" video - online games, computer, or on a gaming console, which have a combined educational objective to ludic operation. The "Serious Games" are used in the world of training, as in the world of marketing. Beyond the theoretical approach, the course will allow students to create, from scratch, games - through relatively simple software.


The main mission of the Master’s program in educational technology is to train education technology specialists with professional skills and moral, human and ethical values. The program educates professional instructors and trainers in education who can respond to challenges created by the ICT educational context. The training paves the way for the key functions in technology and combines knowledge in the humanities with those of technological order. It delivers to the labor market training arrangement designers, educational materials and projects responding to the demands within educational technology.

Program Educational Objectives

1. Graduates will make careers in the field of educational technology. They will become project managers, and consultants in senior management, equipped with multidisciplinary knowledge pertaining to the human sciences and those of the technological order.
2. Graduates will become professionals in educational technology and designers, evaluators of training environments, mastering processes and instrumentation and capable of managing change in educational programs.
3. Graduates will design training materials and will pilot technological devices, being equipped with models and effective tools to implement computerized teaching techniques and multimedia projects.
4. Graduates will demonstrate all the skills necessary to pursue a Doctoral course and propose innovative research falling within the field of educational technology and problems of educational and technological reach.

Program Outcomes

a. Students will appropriate a working method which empowers the Master’s students to combine the epistemological, ethical, technological and statistical concepts used in the context of research.
b. Produce a pre preparatory project to the final thesis, in one of the areas of technology in education.
c. Identify philosophical and sociological theories on contemporary issue of knowledge as well as theories of communication and transmission means of information.
d. Examine the historical approach of technology for education and declination of modes of an integrated training of different forms of e­learning and online educational resources.
e. Receive an aesthetic training that includes knowledge of iconic works, cinema and television.
f. Reproduce the essential data for a techno­educational approach to the physical management of CTBT and usage of software and platforms in educational training.
g. Develop the competencies of analysis and design of educational video games, focusing on the "Serious Games" online, which have an educational objective.
h. Describe the components of a curriculum and designs, renewed at this level, depending on the changes and transformations operated on educational programs.
i. Prepare educational projects by ordering steps and distributing the tasks to be performed by the actors involved; with ethics and fairness.
j. Examine concrete examples in the field of current research in ICT based on a theme representing a particular disciplinary or methodological approach.
k. Prepare a research project which leads to the Master's thesis.
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