Monday to Friday 8:00 A.M. To 4:00 P.M.
Monday to Friday 8:00 A.M. To 4:00 P.M.

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Appealing Library Fines

USEK Library makes every effort to regulate fines according to well defined standards.
If you believe you have been fined unfairly or if you have a unique situation that made it difficult for you to return or renew materials on time, you may file an appeal. Charges may be upheld, reduced, or waived.

The following reasons are generally not accepted as valid for canceling or reducing charges:
  • Forgetting or not knowing due dates, amount of fines, or library policy
  • Disagreeing with fee structure or library policy
  • Loaning the item to a third party
  • Being too busy or out of town
  • Claiming that your need was greater than another’s or that you were not done with the item
  • Not receiving or not reading a courtesy overdue reminder; renewal reminders are sent as a courtesy by the USEK Library
  • Facing financial and /or transportation problems
  • Being on a break or a vacation

Please complete the fine appeal form within 60 days of the charge notification from USEK Library. The appeal decision will be made within ten (10) working days of filing the form, and you will be notified by e-mail.

Appeal decisions are made by the Library Administration that takes into consideration your appeal statement, applicable data from the library’s circulation system, and previous communication you had with the Library, as well as your historic record of library fines.
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