USEK Continuing Learning Center (UCLC)

Ongoing Courses


This course is about the critical role of product management in ensuring that companies create value for customers, thereby driving profitability. The responsibility of a product manager is to ensure that the company consistently meets customer needs by developing new products, enhancing satisfaction with existing products, and making continuous improvements.
Product management sits at the intersection of customer desires and technological feasibility, bridging business, technology, and user experience. This course will equip participants with essential product management skills, providing an intensive 9-week program designed for professionals with strong technical or business backgrounds who aspire to transition into product management roles within technology-based companies.

Instructor: Dr. Sandy Rihanna
Start date: July 2, 2024
End date: July 23, 2024
Schedule: Mondays to Thursdays | 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Duration: 30 hours
Delivery mode: On campus
Course fees: 200 USD

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to:
  • understand and assess the principles of product management.
  • successfully manage new products and explore new product ideas.
  • manage and amplify existing products.
  • implement the appropriate strategy development and business planning.


This course introduces participants to the fundamentals of intellectual property (IP) rights and their strategic importance in innovation and business. It covers various forms of IP, strategies for IP management, and the role of IP in promoting creativity, innovation, and competitive advantage in the global market.

Instructor: Dr. Elias Ibrahim, Esq.
Start date: Jul 2, 2024
End date: August 1, 2024
Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays | 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Duration: 15 hours
Delivery mode: On campus
Course fees: 150 USD

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to:
  • understand the fundamentals of intellectual property rights.
  • develop IP strategies to maximize value.
  • analyze and navigate the global IP landscape.
  • apply IP knowledge to foster innovation and entrepreneurship.


This course dives into the revolutionary world of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. Designed for enthusiasts from all backgrounds, this course will unravel the mysteries of blockchain, demystify cryptocurrencies, and highlight their immense potential to transform industries beyond finance. Through practical demonstrations, real-world examples, and interactive sessions, learners will gain a solid understanding of these innovative technologies and how they are reshaping our future. Whether you are a tech aficionado, a curious learner, or someone exploring new career opportunities, this course offers valuable insights and hands-on experience to help you navigate the blockchain and cryptocurrency landscape.

Instructor: Dr. Adel Alam
Start date: July 16, 2024
End date: August 7, 2024
Schedule: Tuesdays to Thursdays | 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Duration: 20 hours
Delivery mode: Online
Course fees: 300 USD

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to:
  • grasp the foundational principles and mechanics of blockchain technology.
  • explore the history, functioning, and impact of Bitcoin, the pioneer of cryptocurrencies.
  • engage in practical blockchain demonstrations to experience its workings firsthand.
  • discover various cryptocurrencies and their diverse applications.
  • learn about the role and functionality of smart contracts in automating agreements.
  • understand digital tokens, their types, and their significance in the blockchain ecosystem.
  • explore decentralized applications (Dapps) and their innovative potential.
  • stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the blockchain market.
  • examine the transformative impact of blockchain on various industries through case studies.
  • evaluate the suitability of blockchain solutions for different business scenarios and make informed decisions.


This course is about developing the essential leadership and management skills needed to guide any organization, whether a business, school, or government agency. Leaders provide direction and vision, motivate and inspire others to achieve the organization’s goals, and create an environment conducive to success by promoting communication and collaboration among team members. In short, leadership and strong management are essential for any organization to achieve its objectives. This course is designed for team leaders, managers, professionals, and students eager to scale their potential for success.

Instructor: Hani Imad, Esq.
Start date: July 9, 2024
End date: August 8, 2024
Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays | 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Duration: 20 hours
Delivery mode: On campus
Course fees: 150 USD

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to:
  • master team management.
  • gain a winner’s mindset.
  • improve personal productivity.
  • foster personal leadership.
  • enjoy the benefits of successful leadership.


This course is designed to empower owners and managers of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) by enhancing their entrepreneurial skills and providing them with the tools needed for sustainable growth.

Instructor: Ms. Suzanne El Khoury
Start date: July 8, 2024
End date: August 19, 2024
Schedule: Mondays | 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Duration: 15 hours
Delivery mode: Online
Course fees: 150 USD

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to:
  • develop strategic business plans.
  • master digital marketing and sales.
  • enhance financial literacy.
  • adopt sustainable practices.


The Face Design Program is a registered program adapted to all levels and designed for beginner to advanced-level beauticians, skin therapists, PMU/SPMU professionals, tattoo artists, and all beauticians. Extensive knowledge, backed by science and studies, along with experience and worldwide practice, describe the latest techniques in the PMU industry. The program covers microblading, micropigmentation, ombre shading, laser tattoo removal, Rejuvi tattoo removal, lips nano-pigmentation, lip blush, Infralash eyeliner, colorimetry, shaping, face mapping using the diamond technique, patterns, skin types, skin issues and other factors affecting end results and their corresponding treatments, in addition to a variety of techniques, machines, and product ingredients/composition. It is your basic guide to becoming a knowledgeable practitioner offering reliant skin diagnoses and therapies.

Live demonstrations will teach you to master hand and body positions to become a confident aesthetician who will offer their own live demonstration by the end of the program.

Instructor: Ms. Nataly Nemer
Start date: August 19, 2024
End date: August 29, 2024
Schedule: Mondays to Thursdays | 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Duration: 33 hours
Delivery mode: International Face Design School
Course fees: 1,200 USD

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to:
  • gain a comprehensive knowledge of the PMU industry, including safe removal procedures.
  • become a distinguished beauty practitioner.
  • work confidently and directly in the field.

Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Tel.: (+961) 9 600 000
Fax : (+961) 9 600 100
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